Deep Run Model UN Conference
Coming Soon ● March Ist
Dear Delegates, Sponsors, and Guests of DRMUN III
Welcome to DRMUN! It is my great pleasure to invite you to the third iteration of the Deep Run Model United Nations, which will be held March 1st, 2025, at Deep Run High School in Richmond, Virginia.
Each year, the Model UN community of the greater Richmond area extends its inviting arms to delegates across the state to engage in unique and meaningful debates. These conferences have shaped and improved the lives of students and the communities they serve. Conferences have forged friendships and skills for numerous students in our area. It is finally time for Deep Run to return these gracious acts by offering DRMUN III. I’m thrilled to showcase the hard work of our secretariat and team of chairs and staffers, who have put their utmost effort into bringing you the best version of our conference that we can this January.
Our theme, “Bridging divides, transforming lives ” is representative of the Model UN community. In our desire to debate and solve world problems, we set a stage for people to showcase their talents and fortify their skills while providing a common ground to tackle global challenges.
I became involved in Model United Nations almost five years ago. I entered the club as a shy student, but over many years, it has transformed me into the outspoken person I am today. I hope your experience debating at DRMUN is just as impactful as mine has been.
In the coming weeks, this website will be updated with background guides, dossiers, and registration information. Registration for DRMUN III is now open! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns; I will be more than happy to address them.
On behalf of the DRMUN Secretariat, thank you for your continued support for DRMUN III
-Marvi Garg,
Secretary General
Welcome to Deep Run Model United Nations’ Third Annual Conference
Important Information
We offer historically and geographically diverse committees that offer a unique experience to delegates. Delegates are required to fulfill the role of historically significant representatives to create directives and resolutions through collaboration and leadership.
Position Papers
Please send your position papers to the email listed below the background guide for each respective committee.
Individual Delegates who have not paid on OSP yet:
Please bring a check addressed to Deep Run High School with the Subject “Deep Run Model UN”
Turn it in at the Registration Desk as you check in on Friday!